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Address:Dragon JH s.r.o.
Jarošovská ul. 840/II
377 01 Jindřichův Hradec
Phone:+420 384 320 232
+420 773 372 466 (+420 773 DRAGON)
+420 608 921 935

Dragon JH s.r.o. was founded in 1992. The company’s fundamental role is the sale of Canadian wood stoves produced by PACIFIC Energy SystRegency Fireplace Products; both types are high ecologic and have economic two-chamber combustion.
The company’s management is located in Jindrichuv Hradec. Its annual turnover is about CZK 40 million, which ranks Dragon JH s.r.o. among the largest sellers of fireplaces with CB (clear burn) in the Czech Republic. The company is also the only exclusive seller of this trademark for EU countries.
The company’s goal is to offer products of high quality and efficacy as well as providing its customers perfect servicing. This can be achieved thanks to the company’s strong capital background and to its many years of experience in the field.


DRAGON JH s.r.o.

Jarošovská 840,
37701  Jindřichův Hradec

+420 384 320 232

Pondělí až Pátek - 8:00 až 16:00

Centrála dovozce a distributora

informace / objednávky / rezervace / fakturace: +420 608 921 933 ;

technik/servis/montáže/expedice......................: +420 773 372 466 ;

marketing/web/provoz.......................................: +420 608 921 935 ;

obchodní zástupce .......................................: +420 608 921 935;

Plzeňský kraj – Plzeň

Milan Veselý - EverSport s.r.o.

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